Wednesday, March 5, 2025

IWSG: Maych 2025


Time again for the first of the month blog hop with Insecure Writer's Support Group. Thank you to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all the IWSG admins. Time to share our insecurities and support each other in this difficult business of being a writer.

Firstly, I hope you'll stop in and comment on my guest post on the IWSG blog page titled:

Planning a Conference: A Big Job and an Adventure

This month's optional question:

If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.

Well, I would absolutely be Superman. If I could be Superman, there would be world peace and a lot of bad things would stop happening. Now, if the answer has to be someone or something that really exists, I think I would like to be the smartest, best hacker in the world. I would go after all those scammers stealing from regular folks. But since I can't be either of those things, I would just like to be the best person I can. I would like to be have more patience, be kinder, and a better person overall. I'm trying.

I'm so busy getting ready for that Pennwriters Annual Conference. We have so many awesome writers ready to share their expertise. It is a great weekend.

I'm also working on setting up some book signing events for the coming year. So far, I only have two on the schedule, but I'm hoping for more.

Please, please warm up soon. I have no tolerance for even chilly days and I want to walk outside.

I'm excited to see Daredevil coming back to Disney. Hope they did a good job. I watched Night Agent and didn't like it as well as the first season. The end of the first season seemed to end with the good guys on top. This season didn't feel that way even though they stopped the attack.

Would you like to be Superman? It would be a lot of responsibility. Are you attending or running any book events in the coming months? Are the days getting warmer in your neck of the woods?

Monday, February 24, 2025

Guest at IWSG

 Good day everyone. Not only will temperatures be above freezing for at least part of each day this week, but I have the supreme privilege of doing a guest post on the IWSG blog.

I was asked to talk a bit about the nuts and bolts behind putting on a writing conference. I highly recommend attending one if you can. There is nothing quite so inspiring as spending time with other writers.

I hope you'll visit and leave a comment. And if you're able, attend the 38th Annual Pennwriters Conference this May in Pittsburgh, PA. Would love to see you there.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

IWSG: February 2025


I've been so busy, but I didn't forget the first Wednesday IWSG. I want to start with an apology for not getting around to other blogs the last two months. I'll do better.  Thank you to IWSG founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the admins of this super supportive group. There is so much information on the IWSG site, you can spend all day there when you need to procrastinate. 

I expected to be done with my first draft on my newest fantasy series, but I keep writing and not getting to 'The End.' I will keep going, but the second draft might take forever. I already of a list of things to fix, rewrite, delete, etc.

I have a book signing in about 10 days. It's at a combination greenhouse and gift shop. I've been doing this event off and on for about ten years. I sold a lot of books last year and hope to do even half as well this year. I also give out information to other writers about IWSG and Pennwriters. I have the best of both worlds, Pennwriters, an in-person writers group, and IWSG, an online community. There is so much expertise in each group, that I will never learn everything that is offered.

"Teach thy tongue to say, "I do not know," and thous shalt progress." Maimonides

I expect many of you will be enduring an ice storm tonight into tomorrow. What it means for me, besides worrying about people who have to drive to work, is that my granddaughter will have virtual school. Since her parents are both teachers and will be conducting their own Zoom classes, that means Grammy is sharing her office. I recently gifted her with her own desk and desk chair because she loves using mine so much. Hers is like mine except smaller. She loves it and it means I can get work done while staying out of sight for her virtual school day. Stay safe and warm, everyone.

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." Dolly Parton

I've been keeping up with my walking, averaging around 14K steps per day. I feel a difference in my energy the longer I keep at it. But I can't take the cold, so most of my steps are inside. I need a little warm weather to keep me motivated.

I've been watching a lot of documentaries on Amazon and Netflix lately. I can't seem to keep interest in any series or movies lately. Nothing I'm really looking forward to either.

Are you in the path of the coming ice storm and the two following behind it? Watched any good documentaries lately? How do you get your exercise when the weather is bad? What are you working on currently?

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

IWSG: January 2025

 Hello all in the brand new year. Time does go so fast. Thank you to the admins of IWSG and our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, for keeping this group together and growing. There's always something happening. Find the list of participants here.

This month's optional question:

 Describe someone you admired when you were a child. Did your opinion of that person change when you grew up?

So easy for me. My father was an amazing person. He was a WWII vet and mostly self-educated. Like a lot of men during that time, he didn't finish high school so he could enlist. After the war, he and my mother bought a farm and raised their family of seven children. It was a dairy farm and my father worked long, long hours. The farm paid for five of us to go to college, though it didn't cost near so much back in those days. Despite his tenth grade education, my father was a voracious reader, mostly non-fiction. We were very close with similar introverted personalities. It was really rough when I lost him. He had a strong faith, and I hope to see him again in a better place.

"The man who has done his best has done everything." Charles M. Schwab

I've been so busy with writing and writing related stuff. I've almost completed my first draft of the first book in my newest epic fantasy series. I've also been busy organizing the Pennwriters Annual Conference Registration. It is now open. If Pittsburgh, PA isn't too far for you, please consider joining us in May for 3 days of over 60 workshops, agent/editor pitch opportunties, networking with other writers, and some amazing keynote speakers. Check it all out right here.

I've barely turned on the TV and haven't watched any new shows for a while now. I've put on my writing playlist and work away.

"I'd rather die of passion than of boredom." Vincent van Gogh

I have been exercising regularly and getting results so that's a good trend going into the new year.

"Either you run the day, or the day runs you." Jim Rohn 

For Christmas, I received a new set of shelving for in my office. My TBR pile is better organized now. Then one of my sons surprised me with a brand new set of cookware from Cusinart and another son gifted me a new iPad Pro. So exciting.

I hope the snow storm didn't bury your abode this week. We only have a few inches but with this cold weather, we're likely to have it for a while.

Stay safe, and stay warm.

How much snow did you get if any? Who have you admired in the past? Have any plans to attend workshops or conferences in 2025?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

IWSG: December 2024


Welcome to the last IWSG post of 2024. Thank you to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the IWSG admins. They do a great job and provide a service to all members. I hope they know we appreciate them. So share your woes and wins to the all the IWSG Members on this list.

This month's optional question:

Do you write cliffhangers at the end of your stories? Are they a turn-off to you as a writer and/or a reader?

Kind of. I write series and there has to be a hook to carry the reader to the next book. Often that mean a character in danger at the end of a book, so it is a cliffhanger, but I also make sure each book has some kind of satisfying payoff. If that makes sense.

As a reader, I don't mind if an author leaves a book on a cliffhanger if they don't take years to write the next book. (Looking at you, George RR Martin, and you, Patrick Rothfuss) 

I'm very grateful as the year draws to a close, for all my writing friends. You've been so supportive and helpful to me.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays and hope you get it to spend it with those you love. We will have our big family celebration on the 24th and a quieter day on the 25th with all the kids stopping by for leftovers. I love Christmas. Unlike Thanksgiving, which is a lot of work for me since I always host, Christmas is just fun and comfort of family. Hope you have the same.

This past year, I managed to re-publish my two completed fantasy series, The Morbunda Saga, and The Futhark Chronicles. The small presses that had previously published them both closed and returned my rights to me. I also have started the next fantasy series. I hope to complete the first rough draft of Book 1 by the end of December. It's still called Book 1 because I haven't some up with a title yet.

Besides writing and getting ready for Christmas, in my spare time I'm working on the 2025 Pennwriters' Annual Conference. It's happening in May in Pittsburgh, PA. I hope any IWSGers who live near there will consider attending. Last year's conference was one of my all-time favorites because I was able to meet L. Diane Wolfe as she took pitches and led workshops. Our attendees loved her. She is so upbeat and knowledgeable about the publishing world. I hope I can meet more of my blogging friends this year. I'll share links to the conference information in January's post.

My live reading went really well last month. Though I was nervous about it, once the time came, I was comfortable and the audience was great. I even sold some books afterward.

Beyond finishing the first draft of a new novel I'm working on, I hope to attend at least one book signing event each month next year. I have two already on the schedule. That's the end of my plans (goals) for next year.

What about you? Cliffhangers or no? Plans for next year? Did you meet this year's goals. Happy and joyous season to you all.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

IWSG: November 2024 Version


Welcome, all you bloggers who keep on blogging away every first Wednesday for the IWSG blog hop. Thanks as usual to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all the admins who keep this group vibrant and so very useful. And most of all, thanks to all of you for being supportive and positive through all the ups and downs of this business we call writing. Find all the participants here.

The monthly optional question:

What creative activity do you engage in when you're not writing?

Well, not as many as I used to do. I love to bake, but my children are all grown and living on their own. Baking would be too much temptation for me and my husband. I still do a little with my granddaughter. I love baking bread and haven't done it for years. I also love crocheting and crossstitch, but I've been having some trouble with arthritis in my thumbs. Probably products of a misspent youth playing various sports. Probably the most creative thing I do besides writing now is planning and producing writing conferences. It takes a lot of organization, hours of work designing the schedule, and tons of patience dealing with instructors and attendees. I've been spending my walking time pondering a theme for the 2026 Conference. Our 2025 Conference theme is Thrills, Chills, and Quills. Our keynotes write thrillers that are quite chilling.

I'm doing a live-reading from one of my books at an event this coming Sunday. I haven't done one of these before. I'm not shy about speaking in public, but reading from my own work is giving me some qualms.

I think I complained about the rain in my last month's post. I'm not complaining, but we're on day 31 of having had no measurable rainfall. I'm quite happy living in a desert, but I know we need some rain if we expect the bulbs to come up again next spring.

I'm 85K into my latest WIP. I hoped to type The End by Christmas but I'm not sure I'll make it. It's been fun finally working on a new book and being excited about it.

I've been showing my age in what TV I've been enjoying. I'm really into Matlock and Elsbeth. Both star older women who are very clever. Yep, I love those old ladies outsmarting everyone.

It's true, I've become one of those grumpy older women. Penelope Wilton

No matter who you voted for in the election, you have to be as happy as me to have your phone stop blowing up everyday. I live in PA, so it's been really irritating.

  • “Every election is determined by the people who show up.” — Larry J. Sabato
  • I hope those of you who live in the USA have a great Thanksgiving planned. I'm still having the entire family at my house. It's nice that everyone can make it this year. I wish you a peaceful gathering and lots of leftovers for the weekend. 
  • What are some of your creative outlets? Are your holiday plans coming together? Did you ever do a live reading? Did you enjoy it?

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

IWSG: October 2024


Hello all and happy fall. Time for our monthly blog hop. Thank you to the admins of the Insecure Writers Support Group who keep this show running. And a special thanks to our founder, Alex J. Cavanuagh, who saw the need for writers to share their woes, experiences, and expertise.

Today's optional question:

Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends chills up your spine.

I don't think I have a favorite ghost story. I'm not into ghost tales. One of my favorite uses of ghosts in a movie is The Lord of the Rings when Aragon called on the ghosts who had betrayed his ancestors and they fought beside him to save Gondor. They were cooler in the book, but the movie did a pretty good job.

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” - Stephen King

This month is my blog's anniversary. I shared my first blog in 2008. The blog-o-sphere was a much busier place then and I blogged three times a week. I don't know how I kept that up and still had time to write. In the years since, three bloggers I felt close to passed away. It was an odd sadness when I had never spoken to those people in person. More bloggers have just stopped blogging. I haven't. Yet. And there are enough friends still active to keep me here.

On the other hand, there are some blogs that thrive and grow. One of those is Terrible Minds by Chuck Wendig. He does a lot of promo for his own successful books but also for other writers. He also blogs about a lot of things important to writers. Here is his opinion on the NaNoWriMo fiasco. And then his take on Generative AI. I read most of his content.

Finally, some new stuff on TV. I'm watching the Rings of Power on Amazon. It moves so slow sometimes and has so many story lines, but it keeps me interested. I'm going to catch up on the new season of Tulsa King on Paramount, and The Old Man on Hulu. I guess I'm feeling my age that I'm enjoying shows where the main characters are old folks.

I hope whereever you live, you're getting some sunshine today. We're on our 11th straight day of clouds, drizzle, and endless rain. I know we need rain and some people like rain, but I would be happy in the desert. And I have relatives in the south who are fortunately all safe, but I feel for all those who were in the path of the recent hurricane.

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you." Walt Whitman

Do you enjoy ghost stories? How long have you been blogging? Is there a good informative blog you follow faithfully? Did the recent storms impact you?